Business Valuation Calculator

Private Equity firms generally value a business based on a multiple of EBITDA. The multiple used to determine the value varies depending on a number of factors specific to an individual business.

How would you describe your Competitive Advantage?

20 1_9
Substantial Competition

No technical advantages with products and services comparable to those offered by competition

Moderate Competition

Some technical expertise not widely available, allowing company to enjoy a small premium

Limited Competition

Own IP or technical expertise, allowing company to enjoy substantial premium

Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

How would you describe your Management Team?

15 1_9

CEO wears several hats and senior management team is limited to (1) key member, with (3) or more immediate hiring needs


Senior Management team made up of (3) strong managers, with (2) hiring needs within the next two years


Senior Management team well staffed with no apparent hiring needed to support growth

Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

What is your company’s
average Gross Margin?

Gross Margin = Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold (labor, manufacturing overhead & material)

15 percent 20 35
Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

How would you describe
your Customer Profile?

15 1_9
Limited and Local

Project oriented or one-time purchases / Local Market

Varied and Regional

Mix of one-time and recurring revenue / regional market

Consistent and Broad

Small, recurring purchases / Blue-Chip multi-national

Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

What is your company’s
average Growth Rate over
the last three years?

15 percent 0 7
Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

How would you describe
your Customer Concentration?

15 1_9
Highly Concentrated

Top 5 customers account for greater than 80% of revenues

Moderately Diversified

Top 5 customers account for less than 50% of revenues, with no single customer accounting for greater than 20% of revenues

Highly Diversified

Top 5 customers account for less than 30% of revenues, with no single customer accounting for greater than 10% of revenues

Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

How would you forecast
your Market Growth over the next five years?

5 1_9
Mature Market

0% growth per annum

Steady Market

5% growth per annum

High Growth Market

Growing faster than GDP, 10% or more per annum

Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

What is your company’s EBITDA?

EBITDA can be calculated using the bottom-up method:

0 dollars
Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

Let’s Calculate the Value of Your Business

Fill out the form to gain instant access to your estimated business value based on the questions you’ve answered.

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Calculation Complete

Estimated Enterprise Value:

$000,000,000 - $000,000,000
Note: This is only an estimate and not a binding valuation of your company, solicitation or commitment to buy.

Did you know EBITDA multiples can vary by 60% or more?
Arriving at a meaningful business valuation requires consideration of critical global and company-specific factors.

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